Modell Peytons – fyra steg för färdighetsträning

Denna modell har tillämpats inom många olika områden för att stötta lärande av undersökningsteknik eller andra färdigheter, inte minst inom kirurgi. Syftet är att underlätta för den handledda att mer patientsäkert utföra ett moment genom ett mellansteg mellan observation, instruktion och eget utförande.
Peytons2 230507

Klicka för större bild. Design: Sofia Åström

Rodney Peyton’s 4 Stage Method Explanation

Peyton sammanfattning

Peyton steg 1 & 2

Peyton steg 3 & 4

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Peyton steg 1

Peyton steg 2

Peyton steg 3

Peytons steg 4

An appraisal of the literature on teaching physical examination skills.
Easton G, Stratford-Martin J, Atherton H. Education For Primary Care [serial online]. July 2012;23(4):246-254. Available from: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed July 12, 2018.

Peyton’s four-step approach: differential effects of single instructional steps on procedural and memory performance – a clarification study.
Krautter M, Dittrich R, Nikendei C, et al. Advances In Medical Education And Practice, Vol 2015, Iss Default, Pp 399-406 (2015) [serial online]. 2015;(default):399. Available from: Directory of Open Access Journals, Ipswich, MA. Accessed July 12, 2018.

Effects of Peyton’s Four-Step Approach on Objective Performance Measures in Technical Skills Training: A Controlled Trial.
Krautter M, Weyrich P, Buss S. Teaching And Learning In Medicine [serial online]. 2011;23(3):244-250. Available from: Science Citation Index, Ipswich, MA. Accessed July 12, 2018.

Peyton’s 4-Steps-Approach in comparison: Medium-term effects on learning external chest compression – a pilot study. GMS journal for medical education33(4), Münster, T., Stosch, C., Hindrichs, N., Franklin, J., & Matthes, J. (2016).

Peyton’s four-step approach: differential effects of single instructional steps on procedural and memory performance – a clarification study Links to an external site.Krautter M, Dittrich R, Safi A, Krautter J, Maatouk I, Moeltner A, Herzog W, Nikendei C. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2015 May 27;6:399-406.